Baseball Equipment - Epic Sports

Baseball Tips & Drills

  1. Stretching

    Stretch before AND after practice/games to make sure you don't pull a muscle and aren't stiff or sore the next day.

  2. Listen to the Coach

    The coach can see things on the field that you cannot.

  3. Mental Mistakes

    Dont ever let your mind take control of you. If you make a physical or mental error, don't let it mess up the rest of your game. Recover and keep striving.

  4. Team Bonding

    This is essential in ALL sports. Bonding develops chemistry between players on & off the court. This could be as simple as playing Duck, Duck, Goose! or running a relay on the court. Teams with great chemistry tend to understand one another's personalities and strengths/weaknesses, which ultimately helps players work better together on the court.

  5. Stretching

    A good stretch helps keep you from cramping.

  6. Teamwork

    A team has to trust one another. Do not allow your team to pair up with the same person at each practice while warming up. They need to trust each other's throws as well as get along with the whole team. Once the team trusts each other your whole team will come together.

  7. Catcher's Drill

    Draw three lines 8 feet seperate, each extending from east to west up to 10 feet long. Get the players to stand north of the lines then get them to squat like a catcher ready for a pitch with their two hands behind their head, then make them walk in that position to the first line and back then to the third back to the second then go back to the third line now travel to the first. Make them repeat this procedure three times.

  8. Infielder Slides

    1. Get two baseballs or softballs and place them in front of you about 10 feet apart start in the middle and shuffle your feet like you are trying to get to a ball without crossing touch each ball 10 times.

    2. Place another ball 10 feet in front of the two balls in the center of them so it makes a triangle start on the front ball and shuffle at a 45 degree angle touching the front ball 10 times.

    You will see a significant increase in fielding range and anticipation.

  9. Attitude

    Always have the right attitude so the coach will know that you're there to play.

  10. Softball

    Never give up if you are playing outfield or infield. Give your all! NEVER GIVE UP!!

  11. Line Drive Hitting

    I have played for 30 years and I teach a trick taught to me in highschool. Grab an old bat that you won't mind damaging. Stand next to a pole or fence and extend your arm out so that you barely touch the fence. If you swing and hit the fence you have done it wrong.

  12. Glove Drill

    Players stand facing each other about 3-4 feet apart. With their glove on and using only their glove hand they pass the ball to each other. Do not use the dominate hand (bare hand) at all. Works to control and to develop coordination with the non-dominate hand. As they get more experienced increase the distance between them.
    -Coach Ace.

  13. Set Goals

    All athletes can improve their athletic performance by determining goals and outlining steps that they can take to achieve those goals.

  14. Recovery After Injuries

    Active rest will help in recovery and regeneration after sports related injuries. A brisk walk or slow swim is considered active rest. Also, a sports massage will help reduce muscle fatigue.

  15. Safety Equipment

    It is important that your safety equipment be well fitted. Safety equipment is not effective when it does not fit properly.

  16. Training

    Do not increase training time or intensity by more than 10% at a time. This should help reduce injuries.

  17. Increase Your Speed

    Utilize proper running mechanics and run uphill (or use resistance chutes)to increase your running speed.

  18. Challenge Yourself

    Don't simply practice the skills that you are good at. Challenge yourself to learn new skills and practice them. The more you learn and master, the more valuable you are to your team!

  19. Healthy Living

    Make healthy choices off the field. Don't smoke or drink, eat healthy and get enough sleep.

  20. Practice

    Arrive at scheduled practices early, stay late and work hard while you are there.

  21. Performance Growth

    Listen to your coach. A coach not only determines your play time, a coach is also a valuable resource because coaches generally want to help you grow and develop as a player, and they will have training and experience to help make it happen.

  22. Hitting

    To improve hitting skills, players need to observe the pitcher before the game, swing at the first pitch, and use bunts to their advantage. To be a better player, work to increase your speed, be versatile and anticipate each ball will be the one you will hit.

  23. Running

    Always have the kids do Indian Runs for 17 minutes and that should get them pumped for the game.

  24. Baseball Hitting

    Hard work and discipline will get you far in life. Hit 300 to 400 balls at batting pratice, and learn to have a good strike zone. String only at strikes and you will be amazed how well of a hitter you will become. P.S., hit every other day and you will see results over night.

  25. Tips

    Do Leg Ups everyday and you will see a huge difference.

  26. Believe

    Keep up your grades and practice everyday. Believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything. Thank GOD everyday for giving you the ability to play sports and be great.

  27. Discovering Your Talent

    Discovering your talent starts from the classroom. Keep making good grades and see the difference in your talent discovery.

  28. Injuries

    When you are hurt tell someone -- don't cover it up and say you are fine if you are not!

  29. Circle Bases

    Split team into 2 one at home base and other at 2nd base throw them both a ball then they run the bases with speed and touching every base and when get back to the base they throw their ball to the other player across the field to take their turn.

  30. Hitting Tips

    Many hitters get confused when they hear the phrase "Good extension". When hitters swing at a pitch they end up extending their arms to early, this causes their swings to become long and slow. The trick is to keep your swing short until you reach the point of contact. Once you reach the point of contact, then you extend thru the ball. "Short to the ball...Long thru the ball". Use your hands to get to the ball and extend your arms to get thru the ball. Once a hitter masters those mechanics along with transfering their weight they will see a significant difference in bat speed and power.

    Coach Torres
    Olney Redbirds Baseball

  31. If your team make throwing mistakes...

    Make them all go to shortstop and hold a ball. Put a coach at first base and throw it; then do it with their eyes closed until they can make a decent throw and keep doing that.

  32. Hitting Help

    When going up to bat try not to be tense it will make you uncomfortable. If you are step out of the baters box and breath in through your nose and out of your mouth and take your time if the pitcher is throwing fast don't be scared to get hit just stay back in the box because the faster it is the faster and even maybe farther the ball will carry. Find a comfortable position and remember to have fun.

  33. Error Drill

    If your team makes a lot of errors, and constantly cannot recover, practice making errors and recovering from them.

    Set up infield positions and hit light ground balls where the fielder must "field" the ground ball with their glove closed. Once the ball hits the closed glove they can throw to the appropriate base.

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